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只是静静的.... 那.....就好了.....

Congratulation ~~~~ You Are In !!

Congratulation ~~~~ You Are In !! Please read in quietly and Be silence ! okay? This is only deal ! Thank you

Monday, February 23, 2015


在这之前, 我有好多好多话想分享。。。





说明还是嫩的很 !(嘲笑)



Sunday, February 1, 2015


"Solitude, the kind of elect ourselves, is met with judgement and enslaved by stigma. It is capacity absolutely essential for a full life."
                                                   By : Popova

Based on the statement above, I understand be alone is refer on decision-making by ourselves.

I choose to be alone, stay alone in library.
I choose to be alone, stay alone in Mcd.
I choose to be alone, stay alone in Gym.
I choose to be alone, eat alone in my place.
I choose to be alone, sleep alone with my pillows.
I choose to be alone, study alone in the class.
I choose to be alone, going class alone.

Choosing to be alone is not frighten matters. All are based on how to preferring to.
Some preferring accompaniments, some preferring alone.
What's wrong with that? Any issues on that?
Is it staying alone is harmful choices?

What do I believe in. Staying alone will bring stronger mindset to myself.
What do I believe in. Staying alone will bring confidence to myself.
What do I believe in. Staying alone will bring comfort to myself.

But what do people think of. When you being alone, they feel pity on you.
They feel there is not right to be alone.
Asian, is there any wrong to staying alone?
Please do change your mind. okies?

Staying alone doesn't mean you are loneliness .
Staying alone doesn't mean you are not social able.
Staying alone doesn't mean you are not friendly enough.
Staying alone doesn't mean you are issues.

Everyone has the right to be what they want to be.
You can care about but not too over.
You cannot force someone to join into the group.
I prefer to stay alone.
One day, two days, or more. SO??? any issues.

Staying alone from someone does it mean you have any conflict with someone.???

Please do not think on it?